EEK! Gosh, I promise I'm not that far behind in getting rid - it's just that I haven't blogged about it yet.
I did give away 2 pair of shoes (which may have (rightly so I'm sure) ended up in the trash in Charlotte), but I don't have pictures of those ready for you yet.
And I do have a tub of clothes that are ready for Planet Clothes (I can't remember if that's the name, but they have them all over the city - they look like large yellow mail boxes for clothes and shoes), so I'm sure that I'm super close to my 34th item. I'm working on the posts, though... sorry!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Getting Rid #17, 18, 19 and 20!
Wow... aren't you proud?
I'm still not caught up, though. Sorry!
I should be getting rid of number 24 this week. I'll try to see what else I can do before the weekend. A momumentous occassion. :)
For now, here's my attempt to catch up a little.
Number 17. Socks.
I know why we keep them. Because we just don't want to believe that something could actually disappear in a dryer. I'm giving up. Socks aren't that expensive, and I still have plenty.
This pile is gone from my desk.
Number 18. Box top.
Sounds strange, but back when I did a big clean up of my Christmas stuff, I apparently forgot to get rid of one of the old storage tub lids. So for some reason, after all these months, it still haunts my room... floating from one flat space to another, sometimes just standing alone in the corner next to my back door. Weird. "To the dump," I say!
Number 19. And 20. Hat and CD.
I know these got their mug shot taken together... I did that because they are going back to the same house. Travis and Julie's. I'm counting them seperately because they each go to their perspective owners. Julie let me borrow the hat about a year and a half ago when Alicia, Kristin and I went to Florida for Rachel's wedding. Sorry, Julie! After we got back, it went on top of Big Whitey (I can explain later, but it's a great shelving unit with doors!) nevermore to be thought of. Until the big sale. That's when Whitey got moved, so I had to clean the top off.
The cd is Travis'. That's right. He owns the soundtrack to Top Gun. And Tom Cruise is on the cover. Swoon.
So, there's a few things to help me catch up!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Getting Rid #16
I've been working on my room pretty much ever since we moved in to this house... in December 2006. It's a constant work in progress - cleaning, rearranging, etc.
When I sold my bedroom furniture, I spent the rest of that weekend getting some things done in the room so I could rearrange my furniture again and clean up some.
One thing that I've never been able to do since being in this house is to put my towels in the bathroom. Kristin and I share the cabinet under the sink, and I had all kinds of junk on my side in a tub, so there wasn't room for my towels. Since I only have one dresser, I can't keep my towels in my room anymore - and it's just not cool to have stack in your bedroom floor.
So, today, I cleaned out the tub and got rid of most everything in the cabinet... now my towels are in there! YAY. I'm normal now. I know this is a random picture, but its just some of the stuff I threw away... old medicine, gross old lotion, and yes, that's a video game thing. Something Avon sold several years ago, I think.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Getting Rid #15
I'm almost caught up!
This happens to be another one of those things that don't belong to me.
Last summer, yes about a year ago, I shared my desire to learn the violin. My sweet friend Grace agreed to help me. We ended up only having 1 or 2 lessons, and then I had to stop with my crazy schedule. Then she moved, the holidays came, she and her husband branched out with a new community group at church, she got pregnant, etc etc - so, we decided that it just wasn't really going to work out. While I am sad to not learn right now, I haven't given up hope - but it was time to return the things she had let me borrow.
I pulled in tonight and Josh came out - so he got to be in the photo!
This happens to be another one of those things that don't belong to me.
Last summer, yes about a year ago, I shared my desire to learn the violin. My sweet friend Grace agreed to help me. We ended up only having 1 or 2 lessons, and then I had to stop with my crazy schedule. Then she moved, the holidays came, she and her husband branched out with a new community group at church, she got pregnant, etc etc - so, we decided that it just wasn't really going to work out. While I am sad to not learn right now, I haven't given up hope - but it was time to return the things she had let me borrow.
I pulled in tonight and Josh came out - so he got to be in the photo!
Getting Rid #14
The other night, I was moving around some of the picture boxes in my hope chest because I needed to take my parents their marriage certificate. I know it sounds odd that I had that, but I have a lot of our family videos and picture... my parents sold the house we grew up in and moved into a much, much smaller place - and I just didn't want those things stored in weird temperature places... you know? Anyway, some of the pictures I have are their wedding photos - so funny! That's another story.
So in my hope chest, I saw some funny things - notebooks, photos, etc.
Then I found this.

So in my hope chest, I saw some funny things - notebooks, photos, etc.
Then I found this.
I have NO idea where I got this... or why I have it. But I knew it should leave me.
So, I took it to work to a lady, Valerie, who is putting together some of the decorations and setups for a retirement party in June. There's going to be a beach theme... so - it fits!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Getting Rid #13
I told you I had one ready... and yes, Amy took a picture! :o)
Let me explain - this doesn't actually belong to me - it never did... and although I said I was getting rid of one thing "I own," I'm finding that it may be necessary to also get rid of things that are on loan to me... these clog up your life, too!
So, these things were loaned to my friends Steven and Emily got married on December 1st last year. I helped Emily with some coordination for the event, including being the person who was to make sure this set got back to Kari in order for others to use it. I'm so awful! I never got around to returning it, and I really am sorry!
But Amy helped Shawn and Danielle with their wedding, and she helped me be responsible and get it to her. Thanks, Hammy!
Anyway - so I didn't own it, but now it's not clogging my life!

This should be my week...
... to get rid of my 19th thing.
I'm sorry I'm behind! :o(
I have some things in mind - and actually have one already done, but I'm waiting to find out of there is a picture to go with my post about it... so really, I'm needing 6 things posted/gotten rid of.
Just to catch you up - and help you see that I haven't forgotten... I'm just behind!
I'm sorry I'm behind! :o(
I have some things in mind - and actually have one already done, but I'm waiting to find out of there is a picture to go with my post about it... so really, I'm needing 6 things posted/gotten rid of.
Just to catch you up - and help you see that I haven't forgotten... I'm just behind!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Getting Rid # 11 AND #12
While I would argue that this should catch me up with my missing weeks, I still feel quite the need to rid, rid, rid...
So, YAY. Look what I got rid of this week!

That's right, folks! Two of my three piece bedroom furniture set. It used to be four... the bed was with it - but I got rid of the headboard almost 2 years ago when Alicia and I moved downtown because I just couldn't stand having one anymore.
I've had this furniture for a really long time, so I couldn't see really selling it - not that I have emotional attachments to it... but it's obviously older and not that new fancy stuff that I love at Pottery Barn... so, I took a shot and posted them on craigslist for Raleigh. A sweet girl came and looked and offered to buy 2 of the 3 pieces...
I had planned on using the money from the set to find one dresser I could use for my clothes until I saved enough to get a real, nice, adult set. :) After much consideration, I decide it would be best to keep saving and wait until I buy a home (hopefully next year!) and get furniture to go in that... knowing the size, styles, etc.
So, I kept the one dresser and have been working tonight on rearrangements and cleaning. DUDE... we have TONS of dust in this house!!! We have all hardwood floors, and I am convinced that has a huge part in it. Also, I never dust. So it builds, I suppose. :)
Anyway, great! Two things at once. This is just what I need to get caught up...
stay tuned... as I've been cleaning tonight and re-doing... I'm seeing things that will be a cinch to get rid of... and you might just be someone who wants something!
So, YAY. Look what I got rid of this week!
That's right, folks! Two of my three piece bedroom furniture set. It used to be four... the bed was with it - but I got rid of the headboard almost 2 years ago when Alicia and I moved downtown because I just couldn't stand having one anymore.
I've had this furniture for a really long time, so I couldn't see really selling it - not that I have emotional attachments to it... but it's obviously older and not that new fancy stuff that I love at Pottery Barn... so, I took a shot and posted them on craigslist for Raleigh. A sweet girl came and looked and offered to buy 2 of the 3 pieces...
I had planned on using the money from the set to find one dresser I could use for my clothes until I saved enough to get a real, nice, adult set. :) After much consideration, I decide it would be best to keep saving and wait until I buy a home (hopefully next year!) and get furniture to go in that... knowing the size, styles, etc.
So, I kept the one dresser and have been working tonight on rearrangements and cleaning. DUDE... we have TONS of dust in this house!!! We have all hardwood floors, and I am convinced that has a huge part in it. Also, I never dust. So it builds, I suppose. :)
Anyway, great! Two things at once. This is just what I need to get caught up...
stay tuned... as I've been cleaning tonight and re-doing... I'm seeing things that will be a cinch to get rid of... and you might just be someone who wants something!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
This will be my Getting Rid #10
I'm a hoarder. I have been my whole life, I think.
That was the purpose of my goal this year... my resolution. To GET RID each week!
I'm sorry for those of you who've faithfully checked each week, excited to see what's been posted... what's been ridded. Is that a sentence?
Anyway, I'm going to do my best to get rid of things over the next couple of weeks and get caught up!
Here will be my number 10 thing...
(p.s. - just to confess, this should actually be my number 8 thing because NEITHER of my 8 or 9 thing sold on Craigslist. I'm so sad! I think I'm going to start donating things that I just can't "throw away" to my friend Heather. She is beginning a collection of things in the hopes of starting a thrift store through our church. Yay!) For now, I'll stick with number 10 and try to actually move number 8 and 9 out of my possession.
Sounds silly, huh? For me, though, they collect easily. A lot of people don't know this, but I sell Avon on the side just to bring in a few extra bucks each month. It's not a lot of money because I don't really pursue it as well as I should/could - especially at work. I am pretty sure I should reconsider and really do the math to be sure that there is income ... and not more being spent!
Anyhow, that's not the point. Sorry.
My Avon orders come in boxes. Every other Tuesday. No matter how much or how little is ordered, I almost always get at least two boxes on my back porch every Tuesday evening...
I combine the items to take to my customers down into one box, leaving the others to pile up. Ridiculous!
So, I'm getting rid!
here's to you, random-stack-of-cardboard-room-taker-uppers-and-lids... Enjoy the recycle box outside!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Getting Rid #8 and Getting Rid #9 - I hope, I hope!
So sorry I've been a bum about posting. I promised I haven't forgotten my resolution nor this blog... in fact, I've thought about it probably 129397 times in the last two weeks. Okay, maybe 12. Still... my two getting rids aren't actually gone yet... since I just finally got them posted to Craigslist... If you can help me get rid, please do!!!
Getting Rid #8 - Black Satin Wrap
Getting Rid #9 - HP 1510 Vivera Printer / Scanner / Copier
Please please?!
Getting Rid #8 - Black Satin Wrap
Getting Rid #9 - HP 1510 Vivera Printer / Scanner / Copier
Please please?!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Getting Rid #7
This week's getting rid was much fun! It involved a friend of mine! YAY!
Christa needed some gear for a fun afternoon downtown, so she stopped by... I gave her a t-shirt (the red one she's wearing), some tennis shoes (I just got a new pair over Christmas), and a bag. (the bag wasn't really for her afternoon of fun, but I was glad to give it! It was in my "need to get rid of tub.")
Happy Fun Afternoon Christa! I love you!

Christa needed some gear for a fun afternoon downtown, so she stopped by... I gave her a t-shirt (the red one she's wearing), some tennis shoes (I just got a new pair over Christmas), and a bag. (the bag wasn't really for her afternoon of fun, but I was glad to give it! It was in my "need to get rid of tub.")
Happy Fun Afternoon Christa! I love you!

If you missed them:
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Getting Rid #6
When I bought my guitar, the man at the music store gave me a few things as a gift! How nice.
One was the backpack style carrying case that Jasmine (that's her name) stays in.
So obviously, I'm not giving that away... just yet. (Lord, I DO desire to really be able to play that thing well one day!)
Another thing he gave me, however, was my choice of six music books.
"GREAT!," I thought. HUMPH!
What a joke for me to be be the one to choose these books. So now, I'm getting rid.
Alicia is looking thru them to see if she wants any. (She's a fantastic pianist.) And I've left Ben R. a phone message to see if he wants to look thru them. (He's a fantastic pianist and guitarist.)
Neither have committed to taking any of them, so if you have a desire, let me know.
Petra - God Fixation
One was the backpack style carrying case that Jasmine (that's her name) stays in.
So obviously, I'm not giving that away... just yet. (Lord, I DO desire to really be able to play that thing well one day!)
Another thing he gave me, however, was my choice of six music books.
"GREAT!," I thought. HUMPH!
What a joke for me to be be the one to choose these books. So now, I'm getting rid.
Alicia is looking thru them to see if she wants any. (She's a fantastic pianist.) And I've left Ben R. a phone message to see if he wants to look thru them. (He's a fantastic pianist and guitarist.)
Neither have committed to taking any of them, so if you have a desire, let me know.
Rocketown Records (Various Artists) - Number 5
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Getting Rid #5
It's early, I know - but again, getting rid is getting rid.
This week, thankfully, there wasn't trash to rid myself up - but something that gets to be recycled! These tubs were filled with "stuff," and I was able to move around, file, downsize, etc. So, my Sunday School class at church gets to benefit.
My assistants and I have plans for the top two already. The largest bottom tub will be placed in the storage closet for whatever needs to go in it! I hope it helps! I know it excites me to rid my bedroom floor of tripping hazards.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Getting Rid #4
no... i didn't give my car away. :o) but i did get rid of many, many things from the trunk.
that's good, right? the thing that drove me to do it was because i had to get to my spare tire! :o( someone slashed my front driver's tire so my neighbor Jim changed it for me... but i had to ask him to wait while i moved things to get the spare out. that's awful!
anyway... so while he worked on the spare, i worked on getting rid of things. old posters from teaching; some REALLLLY old candy; shoes; general papers that were just old; etc.

this is just a shot of our outdoor trash can that i used to load my garbage into. see that blue thing in the bottom right corner? it's a boomerang. i'm so random!
that's good, right? the thing that drove me to do it was because i had to get to my spare tire! :o( someone slashed my front driver's tire so my neighbor Jim changed it for me... but i had to ask him to wait while i moved things to get the spare out. that's awful!
anyway... so while he worked on the spare, i worked on getting rid of things. old posters from teaching; some REALLLLY old candy; shoes; general papers that were just old; etc.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Getting Rid #3
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Getting Rid #2
I know there's a big debate in the world about which day is the first one of the week. Is Sunday a weekend? Is it the first day? Well, I've always believed that it was the first day of the week... so I hope you won't mind that I jumped on my "getting rid" for the week.
This is getting fun for me. I'm wondering what's going to happen if I stay so anxious each week by the time April rolls around. I might be out of stuff.
If you could see this tote in person, you might understand what I mean.
Its overflowing. Old files, trash, weird angel candles/decorations, crumpled Christmas paper, an old pillow (I tried to wash it, but it has a big honey mustard stain on it - long story)... anyway... here's to week 2!
Don't know what I'm talking about? Check This out...
Friday, January 4, 2008
Getting Rid #1
Well, here you go.
This one's a "two-fer"... wooden sleigh and snowman salt and pepper shakers.
(the glue stick isn't going anywhere... I just wanted you to see their size)
lemme know if you want them. at 5 p.m. today their going in the breakroom at my job with a sticky note that says "free for you!"

This one's a "two-fer"... wooden sleigh and snowman salt and pepper shakers.
(the glue stick isn't going anywhere... I just wanted you to see their size)
lemme know if you want them. at 5 p.m. today their going in the breakroom at my job with a sticky note that says "free for you!"
and just in case you're wondering... i don't even know where i got the shakers. maybe a hand-me-down from a past roommate perhaps? the sleigh was a gift pack set i got from a past employee. i think it might have had lotion or candy or something in it... but it's pretty sturdy.
if you don't know why I'm doing this... click HERE.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
so tonight begins one of my resolutions
... i'm getting rid of one thing (at least) that i own per week for this entire year.
it sounds like a lot of stuff, right? good! i'm certain there are at LEAST 52 things in my room/home that i don't need (or even know i still have)... so check back later and you can find a photo of what i'm ridding myself of this week.
if you want it, you better speak up fast! :o)
it sounds like a lot of stuff, right? good! i'm certain there are at LEAST 52 things in my room/home that i don't need (or even know i still have)... so check back later and you can find a photo of what i'm ridding myself of this week.
if you want it, you better speak up fast! :o)
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
you know the tune...
... it plays for each episode...
we need a change... yeah... do it today... yeah...
the biggest loser.
doesn't it motivate you?
we need a change... yeah... do it today... yeah...
the biggest loser.
doesn't it motivate you?
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