Sunday, January 27, 2008

Getting Rid #5

It's early, I know - but again, getting rid is getting rid.

This week, thankfully, there wasn't trash to rid myself up - but something that gets to be recycled! These tubs were filled with "stuff," and I was able to move around, file, downsize, etc. So, my Sunday School class at church gets to benefit.
My assistants and I have plans for the top two already. The largest bottom tub will be placed in the storage closet for whatever needs to go in it! I hope it helps! I know it excites me to rid my bedroom floor of tripping hazards.

p.s. - as a bonus, I did clean up and organize my main bookshelf this weekend. I got rid of a couple of random things I had in the stacks, but all in all, being able to begin an e-list of all my books will help when I feel like I have nothing to read. Ha!

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