Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Getting Rid #17, 18, 19 and 20!

Wow... aren't you proud?

I'm still not caught up, though. Sorry!

I should be getting rid of number 24 this week. I'll try to see what else I can do before the weekend. A momumentous occassion. :)

For now, here's my attempt to catch up a little.

Number 17. Socks.

I know why we keep them. Because we just don't want to believe that something could actually disappear in a dryer. I'm giving up. Socks aren't that expensive, and I still have plenty.

This pile is gone from my desk.

Number 18. Box top.

Sounds strange, but back when I did a big clean up of my Christmas stuff, I apparently forgot to get rid of one of the old storage tub lids. So for some reason, after all these months, it still haunts my room... floating from one flat space to another, sometimes just standing alone in the corner next to my back door. Weird. "To the dump," I say!

Number 19. And 20. Hat and CD.

I know these got their mug shot taken together... I did that because they are going back to the same house. Travis and Julie's. I'm counting them seperately because they each go to their perspective owners. Julie let me borrow the hat about a year and a half ago when Alicia, Kristin and I went to Florida for Rachel's wedding. Sorry, Julie! After we got back, it went on top of Big Whitey (I can explain later, but it's a great shelving unit with doors!) nevermore to be thought of. Until the big sale. That's when Whitey got moved, so I had to clean the top off.

The cd is Travis'. That's right. He owns the soundtrack to Top Gun. And Tom Cruise is on the cover. Swoon.

So, there's a few things to help me catch up!